Thursday, February 09, 2006

You know you should have rolled over and gone back to sleep when.....

Here's my morning - I'm really starting to think I should have just turned off the alarm, rolled over and called it a sick day!

1. you wake up too late to eat breakfast (and I am a SUPER breakfast person, never leave home without eating it!)

2. you can't dry your hair and find decent work clothes

3. you forget to put on a jacket and it is 34 degrees outside

4. you leave 5 minutes later than normal and get caught in the most outrageous traffic making you late to work (and fraying your very last nerve, it is THAT TIME of the month...)

5. you stop by a local grocery store to get breakfast and then realize that when you get to the office, you have no bowl to make the oatmeal you just bought

6. you then want to throw you hands up in the air and decide it is time for coffee, go to the bathroom get water for coffee and return to the office to find out that you've locked yourself out (and its only 7:34am, no one else will be in until at least 10am)

7. you make a call to a prof who lives 5 minutes away and SHE COMES! and lets you in, but while you are waiting in the parking lot, you see the "YORK PROPERTIES SECURITY PATROL" car tagging your car b/c the stupid little hangy tag has fallen off your rear-view mirror and thus, they are planning to tow it! WTH?!?!? (thankfully I ran over to the guy, explain that it fell down, point to it on the floorboard and when he asks me to fix it, I have to explain that I am locked out of my office, with no jacket, standing in the cold talking to you and waiting for someone to come and let me back in my office, he gave me 15 minutes, a stern warning and a frown.)

UGH! That's is way too much for one morning! Can I go back to bed now?!


Becky said...

Oh honey, that's a BAD DAY!!!!! I hate when days begin bad--then you know the rest of the day is just a virtual waste. Ugh!
But I hope your day got better for you!
Looking forward to talking to you soon!
Love in slob!

Justin Shaddix said...

Oh geeze, that does suck. I've had a few bad mornings at work but I can't write about them because the wankers down in city hall might find this comment and try to fire me again.