Thursday, December 14, 2006

5 years ago, on this very night

Paul proposed to me under the stars at the Grove Park Inn. It's so hard to believe that was 5 years ago - sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago and others it seems like yesterday.

It's far from being cold (I think it's like 60 outside) and the skies are cloudy here, but I couldn't be happier or more in love. We've seen a lot since then and grown more than I ever thought I could, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Even back then, I couldn't go anywhere without a camera... here's our engagement night in a nutshell (although I totally forgot about getting a picture at dinner - it was so good!)

After dinner, before walking around the Inn (looking at the famous gingerbread houses)

Just before "the big question" - outside the newly opened spa


Just plain giddy! (it was going on 11pm... on the last day of exams)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Silly/Stupid Christmas songs

Since we've been listening to Christmas music since Nov. 1 (thanks for the local adult contemporary station), I've really come to love & dislike some "Christmas" songs (the hippo song and derrick the donkey ARE NOT Christmas!).

Anyway, since it's Wednesday and so dreary & blah out, I thought we all could use a smile. I've heard this song only twice this year and it still makes me giggle.

"The 12 Pains of Christmas"
Go here to listen - or you if have a ton of time, here's the lyrics (although listening to it is much more fun!):

The first thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me
Is finding a Christmas tree

The second thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me:
Rigging up the lights
And finding a Christmas tree

The third thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me
Rigging up the lights
And finding a Christmas tree

The fourth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me
Sending Christmas cards
Rigging up the lights
And finding a Christmas tree

The fifth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me
Fiiiiiiiiive months of bills!
Sending Christmas cards
Rigging up the lights
And finding a Christmas tree

The sixth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me:
Facing my in-laws
Five months of bills!
Oh, I hate those Christmas cards!
Rigging up these lights!
And finding a Christmas tree

The seventh thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me:
The Salvation Army
Facing my in-laws
Five months of bills!
Sending Christmas cards
Oh, geez!
I'm tryin' to rig up these lights!
And finding a Christmas tree

The eighth thing at Christmas that such a pain to me:
And whataya mean "YOUR in-laws"?!?
Five months of bills!
Ach, making out these cards
Honey, get me a beer, huh?
What, we have no extension cords?!?
And finding a Christmas tree

The ninth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me
Finding parking spaces
Facing my in-laws Five months of bills!
Writing out those Christmas cards
Now why the hell are they blinking?!?!?
And finding a Christmas tree

The tenth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me:
"Batteries Not Included"
No parking spaces
Get a job, ya bum!
Facing my in-laws!
Five months of bills!
Yo-ho, sending Christmas cards
Oh, geez, look at this!
One light goes out, they ALL go out!!!
And finding a Christmas tree

The eleventh thing of Christmas that's such a pain to me:
Stale TV specials
"Batteries Not Included"
No parking spaces
She's a witch...I hate her!
Five months of bills!
Oh, I don't even KNOW half these people!
Oh, who's got the toilet paper, huh?
Get a flashlight...I blew a fuse!!
And finding a Christmas tree

The twelfth thing of Christmas that's such a pain to me:
Singing Christmas carols
Stale TV specials
"Batteries Not Included"
No parking?!?
Gotta make 'em dinner!
Five months of bills!
I'm not sendin' them this year, that's it!
Shut up, you!
And finding a Christmas tree

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

2 weeks until....

I cannot believe it - 2 weeks, only 2 short weeks until Christmas and my birthday. I have done very little shopping and even less planning for Christmas! I'm totally ignoring my birthday in hopes that maybe it just won't come (?).

At least the house is decorated, the Christmas cards sent (well, most of them), Justin's package to Japan was received and one holiday party down (thankfully, only one more to go-?). It's warm & sunny outside today; feeling nothing like December.

I've got literally nothing to blog about today. Sad? Eh, not really.

Hopefully something more interesting to come!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

"... a date that will live in infamy..."

Today marks the 65th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. For my generation, it was just a part of the WWII history we studied in middle & high school. We knew it was something awful and big, but didn't really 'get' it. Despite my history studies in college, I don't think I ever completely understood how big the events of that one day were. After September 11th, I think that my generation finally had something similar to relate in terms of shock and loss of life. Although comparing the attack on Pearl Harbor and the World Trade Center is like comparing apples to oranges in motives and ultimate outcomes; they both proved that the US could not let its guard down, not become complacent and act indifferent in world events. I don’t even want to go near the current repercussions of September 11th and the war in Iraq, because honestly, it’s too complicated and twisted to even think about, much less write about.

I do feel, however, that I cannot let this day pass without a moment of remembrance on my part. Paul and I visited Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona when we were in Hawaii on our honeymoon. Obviously, it wasn’t the most romantic place to go while vacationing in paradise, but we both knew that we had to take time while we were there to go and pay our respects.

We arrived at Pearl Harbor around 9am and amazingly, it was already packed. Despite the huge crowd (young & old), the place was eerily quiet. It was a very windy day and several times we had to run for cover from the wind driven rain. I vividly remember standing at the visitor’s center looking across the harbor to the moorings of lost battleships. I admit that I was thinking about the movie “Pearl Harbor” and trying to imagine what it looked like that morning while it was still quiet. I didn’t have to use my imagination for long as I vividly remembered all the History Channel specials with real footage and still images of the attacks. It was horrifying to stand there, right there, where ship after ship were hit, sunk and so many lost their lives. One event, a two-hour aerial raid that destroyed or heavily damaged 21 ships and 320 aircraft, that killed 2,390 people and wounded 1,178 others, that plunged the United States into World War II and set in motion the events that led to atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Wow. And here we stand 65 years later, amazingly on friendly terms with Japan, yet still fighting another war.

Today, stop and take a moment to remember the sacrifices of those who have fought and lost their lives to protect our freedoms.

Here are a few pictures that I took of Pearl Harbor on a bright, windy day in June of 2003.

View of Ford Island & USS Arizona Memorial and the Battleship Missouri

USS Arizona from visitor’s center

USS Arizona Memorial up close


Oil on water

Flag flying over the Memorial

Paul and sign


Link to the National Park Service's official site

Roosevelt's speech on 12/8/1941

National Geographic site on the attack at Pearl Harbor

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Ahhh, Saturday afternoon

What more could I ask for? Paul is playing video games and I'm writing Christmas cards. Life is sweet and simple. The Christmas decorations are up, the air is chilly and I'm listening to some good seasonal tunes. It just doesn't get much better than this.

I'm trying not to think about the 22 shopping days until Christmas, the 20 some days until we head to Atlanta, the days becoming shorter & shorter and the air suddenly turning arctic (esp. after the 70+ degrees we've been enjoying!) not to mention another birthday bringing me closer to... uh... I just can't bring myself to type it... at least I've got a little more time in my 'late twenties...' right?

I hope to take a few photos to show off the Christmas digs we've got up soon (besides the tree pic above). We also 'invested' in a great and addicting object that I can only photograph to explain its greatness... you'll have to wait on that one. Ha!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

"A Christmas Story" Game

Ahhh, the memory of watching this movie with my parents the first time. They were appalled and we were amazed! It's become a tradition and now that it's on EVERY year for 24 hours straight, you can always catch your favorite parts.

Well, now you can play a game - don't shoot your eye out!

See if you can beat my score (object: shoot the bb's off as many things as you can without shooting your eye!)

And if you're a REALLY BIG fan of the movie, you can now visit the recently renovated "A Christmas Story" house! In Cleveland! In December! Brrrrrr!

Extreme Home Makeover - IN RALEIGH!

It happened JUST THIS morning. Ty Pennington woke up the Riggins family in Raleigh! How crazy is that!?!?! I heard about it on the radio and of course, there is a website. Check it out - Extreme Home Makeover Raleigh.

From the website: The Riggins Family

Linda Riggins grew up poor and in the projects. She was never encouraged to make anything of herself and was never expected to graduate high school. She didn’t let it get her down and she proved them all wrong and graduated college with honors - degrees in Childhood Education, Social Work, and Women’s Studies.

Because of Linda’s lack of encouragement growing up, she has dedicated her life to helping parents and children get the best education available.

“My parents didn’t encourage me to do better or prepare me for anything- The school system sets us up for failure. It’s like going to a writing course without your pencil, a music class without your instrument- I didn’t have a voice and my parents didn’t use theirs- this is why I wasn’t prepped for scholastic tests, not groomed for advancement and told I would never graduate… This is why I am so passionate about children’s rights and work so hard for the betterment of my community”----Linda Riggins

Linda and her visually impaired husband William have dedicated over 15 years of service to the Building Together Ministries. Building Together Ministries children by encouraging them through after school programs and resources is a non-profit center designed to help disadvantaged parents and.

Recently, Linda has had several surgeries that have prevented her from continuing her work in the community. Their medical bills have become overwhelming and their house is in danger of being condemned and taken away by the city.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Apparently Mother Nature isn't so keen on Thanksgiving this year; we're in the midst of a pretty big nor'easter off the coast. It has been raining since yesterday morning and winds gusting to 40mph. We're expecting up to 5 inches of rain before it is over (we're already over 2inches at 8am this morning) and continued high winds. My poor potted trees were both overturned in the wind and one lost a fair amount of soil which promptly was blown onto my, once clean and clear, glass storm door. It is so terribly yucky outside and I've got to go out in it to finish collecting a few items for dinner tonight and tomorrow, yay! My poor parents are supposed to be on the road heading up from Atlanta today (I haven't heard from them, so I'm not sure that they'll be here before late tonight at this point).

Wishing you, and yours, a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

***It's snowing!***

.... at 1,300 feet (or so I heard). I think I may have seen/heard some sort of frozen precipitation falling on the car as I drove to work this morning. It's blustery and cold! And the commute took almost an hour (took 22 minutes to go 6 miles, usually I can make that section in 10-11 minutes, tops!). Thankfully, it's almost Thanksgiving and that means a break from work and some time to spend with the 'rents.

Grandfather Mountain this morning (with fresh snow, elevation 5,964 ft.)

We are cooking Thanksgiving dinner at our house this year (we did in 2004 just after we moved in, I thought I had a post about it, but can't seem to find it). I'm in charge of the turkey (check), green bean casserole (check), stuffing (check), cranberry sauce (check), pumpkin pie (check), rolls (check), and something else... (not check). Mom is making her FAMOUS sweet potato soufflé, pecan pie, ambrosia salad and fresh collard greens (thanks to dad and his mad gardening skillz). I think we'll have plenty of food for the 4 of us.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Beautiful sunrise

My drive to work has been blessed with mostly sunshine since the time change. Although the days are growing shorter and the minutes of sunlight are fading, I still love to see the sunrise (despite being in traffic at 6:30am) on my way to work.

I wish I had a camera with me this morning; the clouds and sunbeams were amazing. The WRAL skycam had a decent shot of the sky -

Just over a week away from Thanksgiving... still planning the menu, ack!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Friday Funny Time

So I’m trying out the ‘daily blog theme’ thing again. Friday should be funny, well, it needs some funny to help the day go by faster. It’s near 80 degrees here today (yes, 80 in November, gotta love North Carolina) getting close to breaking a record high. The weekend looks to be beautiful, but I’m not sure that we’re going to do much. Paul and I are fighting our first bout of the ‘crud’ – it’s not exactly a cold, flu or virus, but it ain’t making either of us feel too good.

A-n-y-w-a-y, the Friday Funny is about travel, air travel and its woes to be exact. The following to a letter from a disgruntled passenger on a flight in December of 2001 (the spelling and punctuation errors intact). I checked it out on Snopes and found the following to be TRUE!

Here is the text, but for the FULL effect WITH PICTURES, you must go here

"Dear Continental Airlines,

I am disgusted as I write this note to you about the miserable experience I am having sitting in seat 29E on one of your aircrafts. As you may know, this seat is situated directly across from the lavatory, so close that I can reach out my left am and touch the door.

All my senses are being tortured simultaneously. It's difficult to say what the worst part about sitting in 29E really is? Is it the stench of the sanitation fluid that's blown all over my body every 60 seconds when the door opens? Is it the wooosh of the constant flushing? Or is it the passengers asses that seem to fit into my personal space like a pornographic jig-saw puzzel?

I constructed a stink-shield by shoving one end of a blanket into the overhead compartment — while effective in blocking at least some of the smell, and offering a small bit of privacy, the ass-on-my-body factor has increased, as without my evil glare, passengers feel free to lean up against what they think is some kind of blanketed wall. The next ass that touches my shoulder will be the last!

I am picturing a board room full of executives giving props to the young promising engineer that figured out how to squeeze an additional row of seats onto this plane by putting them next to the LAV. I would like to flush his head in the toilet that I am close enough to touch, and taste, from my seat.

Putting a seat here was a very bad idea. I just heard a man groan in there! This sucks!

Worse yet, is I've paid over $400.00 for the honor of sitting in this seat!

Does your company give refunds? I'd like to go back where I came from and start over. Seat 29E could only be worse if it was located inside the bathroom.

I wonder if my clothing will retain the sanitizing odor . . . what about my hair! I feel like I'm bathing in a toilet bowl of blue liquid, and there is no man in a little boat to save me.

I am filled with a deep hatred for your plane designer and a general dis-ease that may last for hours.

We are finally decending, and soon I will be able to tear down the stink-shield, but the scars will remain.

I suggest that you initiate immediate removal of this seat from all of your crafts. Just remove it, and leave the smouldering brown hole empty, a good place for sturdy/non-absorbing luggage maybe, but not human cargo."
[end letter]

From Snopes: When we posed a query to Continental about whether this letter was an actual customer complaint received by them, they tersely told us that the information we were requesting was "proprietary" (which we took to mean that yes, they had received such a letter, but they weren't about to discuss or answer any questions about it with us). However, Chicago Tribune columnist Eric Zorn noted in a 22 July 2005 piece that a Continental spokeswoman confirmed to him that the letter was genuine:

“. . . it's genuine, according to Continental spokeswoman Courtney Wilcox. She sent me the airline’s official, potty joke-intensive response:

The letter is not totally accurate and uses sarcastic humor to make the seat sound a lot worse than it is. But we don't want to pooh-pooh this customer's concerns — seat 29D is less than ideal. Most flights are not sold out and normally we can easily re-seat a customer who prefers not to sit in this location. However, the Dec. 21 flight was completely full, and we have apologized to the customer who wrote to us about the concerns. If there was a quick and easy solution to this problem we would do it in a whiz. However, the aircraft configuration is fixed and there is little we can do at this point to just flush away the issue.”

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Seen in the backyard...

Since the birdfeeder has been full and the birds are on the winter move, the backyard was quite full of action! This lovely hawk was looking for a snack in our yard. Crikey, isn't she a beauty? Glad that she didn't hunt anything down while I was watching - that would be just a little too much for me to handle - but I loved watching her move along the perimeter of the yard checking everything out.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Congratulations to Jennifer & John!

The proud parents, John & Jennfer and Kathryn (Kimberly had to spend a little more time in the nursery for swallowing a little extra fluid)

From their Carepage* Latest News:

"Kathryn Grace and Kimberly Renee were both born at 7:45 AM on
November 6th 2006. Kathryn at 5 lbs 15 oz. and Kimberly at 6 lbs 5 oz.

They both went straight to the nursery (not the NICU) and as far as we know are doing very well. Mom is in recovery right now. Everything went well with her surgery and she is doing great so far. Dad sounded like he couldnt be happier or more in love!! "

*if you're a regular reader who knows Jennifer (I know there are a few lurkers out there!) and would like to visit their Carepage, send me an email (paulandjuliewedding {at} yahoo {dot} com) and I'll send you an invite (lots of great pictures and updates there).

Monday, November 06, 2006

UNCA Women's soccer team earn bid to NCAA tourney

Women’s soccer team makes history
by Bob Berghaus (Asheville Citizen Times)

ASHEVILLE — The UNC Asheville women’s soccer team made school history Sunday by winning the Big South Conference tournament and earning a bid to the NCAA tournament.

After battling Liberty to a scoreless tie through 90 minutes of regulation and 20 minutes of overtime, the Bulldogs won on penalty kicks 4-2 in a game played on the campus of Coastal Carolina in Conway, S.C.

The NCAA berth is the first for a UNCA women’s sports team. Tournament pairings will be announced between 3 and 4 p.m. today on ESPNews. The Bulldogs will watch the telecast during a party at Wild Wing Cafe.

“It really feels amazing,” said UNCA senior midfielder Ashleigh Carter, who was named the tournament’s most valuable player. “We’ve waited so long to win this. But today’s win makes every single minute of the last four years worth it.”

This will be the third time a UNCA team will play in a NCAA tournament. The men’s basketball team participated in the 2003 national tournament.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

250th post :)

Blogger still doesn't like my old fall pictures so I'm going to slap up a nice photo from yesterday (shamelessly taken from WRAL's weather page).

Yesterday was beautiful. Not a hint of fall in the air (until you looked out to see all the leaves changing). It was a balmy upper 70s sunny day, not the 'normal' kind of weather for November, no. Well, actually, what is normal around here? Our weather is all over the place. Check out the gloriousness of downtown Raleigh:

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Ahhh, fall

I'm still having a difficult time adjusting to the season. It is now completely dark after 5:45pm and my fall allergies are in full effect, but still, I can't believe that it is November. November 2006 no less. It really feels like only last year I was writing my thesis and getting ready to graduate from college. However, that was 4 years ago, 4 years!

I have been backing up all the pictures on my computer (this computer is also 4 years old, geeez!) and having a great time looking back at some really good times. I loved (and still mostly love) the 5 megapixel camera Paul bought on a whim. It was the bees knees when he bought it and man did I love taking pictures like there was no limit (well, with a 128MB card it felt like there wasn't). Now you can easily buy a 12MP with 2GB of memory for less than we paid for the 5MP! It's wild.

Anyway, point being, I felt the need to pull up some good ol'memories, in the feeling of the season, enjoy! (in order to protect the dignity of my college friends, no pictures from Halloween will be posted, however, whenever I need I good laugh I pull up a few... ahh, the memories!)

Asheville 2002 (various sites including the UNCA Campus and Biltmore Estate)
[ed. note - blogger isn't letting me upload pictures this evening, so stayed tuned for pictures at a later date]

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween with riddles!

I seemed to have inherited my father's sense of humor and love of corny/cheesy jokes and riddles. Here's a few for today (pulled from various places on the web)

Why did the vampire go to the orthodontist?
To improve his bite...

What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman?

Why do witches use brooms to fly on?
Because vacuum cleaners are too heavy...

How do witches keep their hair in place while flying?
With scare spray...

What do you get when you cross a werewolf and a vampire?
A fur coat that fangs around your neck...

Do zombies eat popcorn with their fingers?
No, they eat the fingers separately...

Why don't skeletons ever go out on the town?
Because they don't have any body to go out with...

What do ghosts add to their morning cereal?

What is a vampire's favorite sport?

What is a vampire's favorite holiday?

What would a monster's psychiatrist be called?

What did one ghost say to the other ghost?
"Do you believe in people?"

What do you call someone who puts poison in a person's corn flakes?
A cereal killer...

Why do mummies have trouble keeping friends?
They're so wrapped up in themselves...

What kind of streets do zombies like the best?
Dead ends...

What does the papa ghost say to his family when driving?
Fasten your sheet belts...

What is a vampire's favorite mode of transportation?
A blood vessel...

What is a ghost's favorite mode of transportation?
A scareplane...

What type of dog do vampire's like the best?

What is a ghoul's favorite flavor?

What does a vampire never order at a restaurant?
A stake sandwich...

What is a skeleton's favorite musical instrument?
A trombone...

What do birds give out on Halloween night?

Why do vampires need mouthwash?
They have bat breath...

What's a vampire's favorite fast food?
A guy with very high blood pressure...

Why did the Vampire subscribe to the Wall Street Journal?
He heard it had great circulation...

Friday, October 27, 2006

Picture post!

Ok, yes. My last post was lame. So, to make up for it, here' a few pictures from

The NC State Fair!!

Here's some of the amazing flora & fauna (and goodness knows what other classication these things fall under) from our trip to this year's State Fair.

Flower competition (yes, I am now an old lady who loves to garden)

Me and the 'miles of mums' (more like meters, but miles sounds so much more fun) Paul said I looked strange, like I had 'baglady hair,' thanks hon, you're so romantic!

An entry for the garden competition for the theme "Swiss Family Robinson"


Giant pumpkins (although the winner this year is significantly smaller than last year)

Ducks! Oh how I love ducks! (when they're behind wire and crazy scared of me!)

Baby chickens and what? that isn't a chick! it's a baby duck! kinda hard to see, but I promise, that thing had a duck beak!

(I do feel sorry for the little fellers, I don't ever touch them)

Paul and the big shopping cart with an engine. (note the bit of Mt.Olive pickle in Paul's hands - a Fair tradition!)

Racing pigs [actually this race was goats] - at the Hogways Speedway!

Quick self portrait along the midway

Greg Fishel (head meteorologist) from WRAL doing the live 6pm weather (yes, I am a dork, haven't I already admitted this 3 times now?!)

Paul with his chocolate cheesecake (I think it was also deep fried) on a stick (quite tasty) also note the yellow sign behind him featuring a 'chicken boat' for consumption, NO idea what that is!

Me trying the "new" thing this year - fried coke, yes people, fried coca-cola. It was ok, just like tangy funnel cake.

(we both wore a sticker that was 'forcefully' attached to our shirts as we got a free hushpuppy, err or 3, from the House Autry folks)

Other interesting food signs...

"Jack's Buns!"

Of course, there IS a party in EVERY pita! Mmmmmmmmm

and finally, the BIG stand with all the C*R*A*Z*Y fried stuff...
WARNING, your arteries WILL clog after reading... you've been warned!

TGIF! timewasters for a rainy day

I've often thought of having 'theme' days on the blog (strange news Mondays, cute picture Wednesdays, how dorky is Julie Thursdays), but it's just too much for me to remember each week.

So today is 'how to best waste your time on the internet Friday'

Want to play games?

Halloween Hangman created by The Dimension's Edge, Inc.

Halloween cat bowling
(might be a slow loader)

Want to watch silly videoes?

Funny cats

Wendy's grill rap training video

Sadly, that's all I've got time to look up and post. Oh wait! How about some silly/corny Halloween cartoons?

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Early morning *RUSH*

As previously stated, I am a dork. My dorkiness continues....

I got quite an adrenaline rush this morning as I called in a traffic report to the local news & radio. I figured someone else may have called it in, but since I hadn't seen it or heard it, why not? Well, no one had called in the traffic signal outage and consequent traffic delay and both were DELIGHTED to know a key intersection was jammed for the morning commute. I just heard it on the radio again and I feel a strange sense of pride.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Cutest. Picture. Ever.

Apparently the San Diego Wild Animal Park has a lion cub that lost its brother and thus had no playmate. Fortunately, he's found a surrogate to rumble with!

Paul has business out in San Diego in the near future, so I really really really really hope I can tag along one weekend to see the city and one of my "things to do before I die," visit the San Diego Zoo. :)

See more pictures of the cub ad his playmate here

Monday, October 23, 2006

A post, a placeholder for laziness

My blog mirrors my life.

For example, I haven’t updated in well, more than a week. Why? I’ve been lazy. Lazy with home, work and life in general. I think I’m going to blame it on the weather.

However, despite my laziness, we’ve done a few ‘cool’ things in the past 2 weeks that I’ve been meaning to share. I don’t have time now (well I do, but I just don’t feel like uploading and posting all the grand fun we’ve been having), but I do promise a new post, a more interesting post, in the near future. (the dog costumes were freaking me out too… I had to get something new posted!)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

And the #1 reason we need to get a dog....


[cue Star Wars music....]

Check out Target's selection

They are missing Chewie! And R2D2 and the Bounty Hunter and Storm Troopers and... ok, so i guess they couldn't do everyone, but seriously, what FUN costumes!