Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Four weeks (and a smile!)

Emily has been amazing us with new skills, talents, sounds and smiles daily! It's amazing what a difference a week makes. She's a fiery little girl - never missing a meal or sitting in a wet diaper for more than a few moments without strong objections. As usual I don't have much time to update, but I wanted to take a moment to share her precious smile. I think I even witnessed a few giggles this morning. The absolute joys of being a new/first time parent - it's so rewarding!

Ok, so it may look like a mid-yawn, but it was a really BIG smile!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

3 weeks!

In honor of Emily's 3 week birthday, here's a slide show of her many faces:

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Emily Marie is here!

Born Tuesday, April 28th at 6:37am

Stats: 7lbs, 14oz, 21" long

Sneak peak -

More to come!