Wednesday, October 31, 2007

So true, so true

After visiting Target today, I totally feel this way... I'm sure they'll have Valentine's Day stuff up in the next couple of weeks!

New Blog

Hey, some of you may have noticed a new link to the "Oldmarrieds Eat" blog (over there, on the right side of the screen. Ok, so I know many of you are not that observant, so the link is posted above!).

Yes. I have created another blog just for the purpose of reviewing and recommending our favorite eats (recipes, restaurants, cooking gadgets). Why you may ask? Why not?! We'll still be posting here - travel, house stuff, adventures, stupid internet links and the like - but we'll also be posting over there too. Thanks for being a loyal reader - we love you! (well, if we know you, we love you and if we haven't met, I'm sure we'd at least be friends)

Friday, October 26, 2007

Local car commericals

It's a dreary Friday here (so thankful for it!) and I thought we all could use a chuckle. Most of the car commercials around here are notoriously bad (Fred Anderson's 'Michael & I'm Margaret', Mark Jacobson and his little dog, Rick Hendrick's, "I like it like that," ugh, I could go on and on) and we love pressing the fast froward on the DVR remote to get through them as quick as possible. However, there is one exception, Paul and I laugh at the Johnson Automotive dealerships "badger" commercials every time we see them. Sometimes we even stop the DVR in mid-commercial breaks [gasp!] to watch them.

Here's one of our latest favorites - see more here or here (YouTube).

Ok, and one more

"NO BADGERS" print ads
(not quite as funny)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The sky never looked so beautiful ...

... and we finally had some measurable rain!

1.91 inches of rain in the past 24 hours! Keep on raining!

Friday, October 12, 2007

On hiatus for a while

So, we've been missing for a while...for now I'm taking a break from blogging, we'll be back with fun times again soon.