Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The candy's out of the bag....

The Halloween candy has been opened and has become irrestiable to me. I had to open it to make my "boo bags" for the neighbors ("boo!" is this neighborhood thing where you get "booed!" by a neighbor in the stealth of the night with candy and seasonal goodies and then you must "boo!" 2 more neighbors within 24 hours - and you then put the "boo!" sign on your front door to let everyone know you've been "booed!")

We bought 2 bags of candy at Sam's over the weekend - a chocolate mix (snickers, milky ways) and the Willie Wonka assortment. I had to try the RUNTS! Yummy! This year they have blueberries in them. Pretty tasty and colorful, but a they put a poor assortment of runts flavors in each bag. I had to riffle through the huge bag to find a little baggie with bananas and strawberries - MY FAVORITES. I was good, I only took one baggie. However, while I was at SuperTarget purchasing other goodies for the BOO! bags, I bought more candy - WHOOPERS. BIGGER YUM. I've had at least 3 little bags of those (which have 3 litle candies in them). I need to get the candy off the counter and way, way, way out of sight or else the poor trick-or-treaters just won't be getting treats!

Now on my mini sugar high, maybe I'll do something productive around the house. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I've still got last night's Gilmore Girls to watch. YAY! I am saving LOST to watch with Paul. That's a show where you need someone to watch it with. Or at least I do.

1 comment:

Becky said...

hey girl!
i LOVE lost!!!! but tonight our abc station had "audio difficulties" so i'm not sure it'll be watchable once i get home--argh!!! if that's the case, i'll watch the replay of it saturday night. we'll have to start chatting about it--it's a fantastic show!!!
i hear you on the candy. it's all over the newsroom, and i can't stay away!
my teeth will soon rot out of my head, i fear!
okay, gotta go produce the news!
love in slob,