Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Crazy tall flowers

Ok, it's starting to seem very narcissistic of me to keep posting pictures of myself on here, but oh well, I have to share this picture.

I planted these odd looking seeds for "assorted zinnias" that I had bought at Wal-Mart. I had fairly low expectations and they did start VERY slow, but once they got going, I had flowers! They are all very unique and so colorful, these are going to be a garden staple for now on. Very easy to grow and they give so much! LOVE THEM.

Check out the CLEAR BLUE sky behind me. Oh, it was such a beautiful day (this was taken Sunday 10/16 just as I was headed to the airport to take Paul).


Becky said...

hey girl!
love the flowers--they are gorgeous! i'm so excited about all the changes to your house--can't WAIT to see it in december!!!
have you lost weight? you look really thin! not that you weren't before, but you look thinnER. :-)
love in slob!

Oldmarrieds said...

Your comment has ABSOLUTELY made my day! Thanks - I was feeling pretty fat on Sunday and was wearing very blah clothes. I'm working on losing a bit more here & there - the dress I'm wearing in December sure doesn't hide anything ;) I can't wait to show you the house - we're done A LOT since last year! Hopefully we'll have time to paint some more before then... as long as Paul is home and not off in some crazy place (like Australia!)