Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Is it actually October?

(UNCA campus, Fall 2002)

For some reason I just can't accept that it is October. My office calendar is still September, I am still writing 9/-- and the weather isn't feeling very fall-like at all. I love the month of October. It is my favorite month of the year (followed closely by May). But for some reason, I just don't believe that it is already here. Go figure!

In other news....

Paul is starting his new job TOMORROW! Today is his last day with Elettric 80. He is packing up all his tools, computer and other company owned things (i.e. cell phone) and shipping them to Chicago. Goodness knows how much that will cost - but it is on the company! :) We're both very anxious about the job change... neither one of us can sleep. The last 2 nights, despite going to bed at a reasonable hour, we've both barely gotten a full 8 hours. I am dragging today, but I've got lots to do b/c our office is moving in less than a month and I am in charge of packing most everything. I'm trying to take it easy, I really don't need to injure myself. But on the other hand, I just want it to be done, but I can't get it all done since we can't get into the new office until Nov. 1. ACK!

Am I rambling? Sure! I'm sleep deprived and hungry - that's a bad combo.

The weekend was ok - we got to spend a little time with our "long distance neighbors," Philip and Jennifer. We took them up to the Middleburg Steakhouse on Saturday night and cooked them a good breakfast on Sunday. It was great to catch up with them, we miss them a lot! We hope to go and visit them soon (Wilmington is TONS more fun than Raleigh/Wake Forest) ;) Jennifer also started a new job this week - and she won't be working weekends anymore, YAY! Big big YAY!

Ok, I've got to get into work mode, I've gotten into a habit of working like a mad woman 7-8am and then taking a break, and then finishing up everything by lunch and then the afternoon drags on....... you'd think I would learn by now. I really do my best work first thing in the morning despite my hate for getting out of bed at 5:15am. That's all for now :)

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