Monday, October 24, 2005

Funny line from "Gilmore Girls"

It's a Monday. Blah. Blogger is being a pain, and I am tired of stupid people!

B/c it's funny...

LORELAI: Michel, the phone.
MICHEL: Mmhmm. It rings.
LORELAI: Can you answer it?
MICHEL: No. People are particularly stupid today. I can't talk to any more of them.
LORELAI: You know who's really nice to talk to? The people at the unemployment agency

1 comment:

Becky said...

yeah, i hate talking to stupid people too. the public is especially ignorant!
for some reason i can't see the pictures of australia--sad! but i'm sure they are beautiful!
i miss you girl, and can't wait to talk to you about my weekend!!! ;-)
love in slob!