Thursday, October 20, 2005

Ugh, insult to injury

Ok, so I have nothing to do this weekend. Every single person I know within a 250 miles radius is busy or out of town. I couldn't find a decent flight(i.e.under $400) to Atlanta and gas prices are still too high to make a nearly 1000 mile trip in 3 days. So. I am stuck at home, with absolutely nothing to do. Really. Nothing to do.

This morning a professor comes in and gives me 2 State Fair tickets. Just out of the blue. I now feel like total crap since I have no use for them and no one to give them to. I could go alone, but that would not any fun (considering I've already been with Paul and being there all by my lonesome would really make me miss him more). This totally sucks. He was just trying to be nice and generous, but instead I'm more heartbroken than I thought I could be.

I was doing ok yesterday and I have now hit the low. I think it stems from literally being ALONE all day, everyday. There's really no one in the office, no staff in the departmental office that have time to meet me for lunch and definately no one to visit. It's barely 11:30am and I am just beat. This is bad. I've still got 8+ days until he returns.

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