Monday, October 17, 2005

Bored, bored

I'm still putting off the review of the Fair. I want to write something really good and I am not feeling it right now.


I'm playing with the new webcam. We gave in and bought 2 webcams, one for me, one for Paul. We're not real sure if it will work while he's in Australia, but we're going to try. Maybe one day we can talk to Justin in Japan and the 'rents down in GA. Who knows!?!?

In the meantime, I am entertained by looking at myself on screen. Wanna see what I see?

Here ya go... me sitting in front of the computer, avoiding figuring out what to eat for dinner, waiting to hear from Paul and listening to Jeopardy! in the background. Oh, the exciting life...


Becky said...

jules girl you crack me up!!!
i'm sorry you're so bored--you can always feel free to drive up to jc and write a few scripts for the 11 show! ;-)
i like the webcam--you look good girl! it's a really clear pic too, not like those crappy fuzzy ones a lot of people have.
anyway, hope you're doing good--talk to you soon!
love in slob!!!!

Justin Shaddix said...

Hey, nice picture...I was forgetting what white people look like.

I get bored a lot too. Thats because I live in the middle of nowhere and everyone think I'm strange here.