Monday, November 14, 2005

What is up with this?!

Email recieved 1/2 a dozen times within about 10 minutes (this is getting just plain annoying!):

From: univ univ []
To: ?
Subject: Hello, This is for you................

Hello My name is Ms. claudia Woodrow.
I am very happy to get to you.
I am presently in London.Hope you'll get the email.
I really want to get into a serious relationship.
We can get to know each other?.
I do not have any private picture profile.
However I can send some nice pics.
I work at the Trading firm of my uncle.
I am single.
I really want to hear from you.
I want you to be serious about this email and I need long term relationship.
Your response will determine how far we can go.
Mum died many years ago.
She's a nice woman.
Dad is working with a government agency over here.
Life has been good,Though I want to get more experince and contribute my bit.
I do not want to write more.
My phone is now ready ,call me on +44 70 40 11 2703 My fax address is +44 870 0682346
You can call me in the morning tomorrow.
I want you to respond and let's get to know each other.
Take care
Ms. claudia Woodrow.

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