Friday, October 07, 2005

Another Friday morning

I know that I shouldn't find this funny at all, but I'm slap happy this morning and I do:

Sinkhole reported in Wake Forest

I am glad that is isn't on my commute to work. The rain was enough to make it yucky - although my commute time is down in the morning from 45+ minutes to around 25. Leaving by 6:30am does make quite the difference. If I leave after 6:40am, it tacks on a good 10-15 minutes more. It is really dark though, makes me feel like I'm back in high school, commuting to school in the dark. Ugh.

Is it the weekend? So close, yet so very far away... trying to stay busy to make the time fly at work. I did find this to do - word seach to win free power. That took like 12 minutes of my time ;) Only 5 hours and 40 minutes left in the work day...

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