Thursday, September 15, 2005

Ophelia aftermath (at least on the Cape Fear & Crystal Coast)

Crazy people on the Johnnie Mercer Pier - they are INSANE!

We were able to reach the Byrd's last night to see how they fared. Thankfully as of about 7pm, they had power (off & on) and only their cul-de-sac was full of water - but they know their sump pump was working :) They had some branches down and a pretty fair amount of debris, but it seems that the trees & roof held in there. Congrats on making it through your first hurricane - only 5 months after living in Wilmington. Goodness! I think the beaches were hit pretty bad - lots of erosion. We may go visit this weekend, for the day.

More hurricane pictures from

Someone has a hangup on ducks ;) Caption, "Curiosity seekers and newscasters were braving the elements primarily out of choice. Ducks on Lumina Avenue at Wrightsville Beach had little choice but to endure the high winds and heavy rains out in the open."

Crazy media (Becky - I don't want to see you doing this!!)

And just b/c this shot is funny (I'm sure she loved seeing this posted on the net)

Hang on!

In Wilmington shortly after noon on 9/14

Caption, "The gate for the drawbridge across the Intracoastal Waterway was not lowered by the bridge tender."

In Raleigh all we saw was a little rain & wind (it is still fairly windy out there this morning). We were SO thankful for the rain - we've had nothing for the past few weeks, it's been totally dry. Our grass looked so happy this morning - looks like Paul will need to mow.

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