We saw a NEW bird at the feeder this week - it was BRIGHT blue, but NOT a bluebird. After much watching of the new bird, taking pictures through the door at dusk and searching online - my dad answered - it's an "Indigo bunting - Passerina cyanea" They've got one too, down in Atlanta! They hadn't even seen one, so I thought it was pretty cool that we BOTH have the same new bird at the feeder.
Bird on the ground (blurry)
On the feeder (rear square "cake" feeder)
The garden got a nice watering and Paul saw the broccoli had collected some water, kinda pretty:
Indian Pinkie Hawthorn blooms -so dainty and hidden in the old growth:
Red dalihia - they are very regal next to the rosemary!
Fountain & panisies - the fountain adds a really soothing effect to the backyard
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