Monday, September 19, 2005


The polls were just too unsightly to leave on the BLOG (not to mention the yucky ads that Bravenet adds to them). So here are the results (ya'll didn't help me enough!) Here's where you left me (2 ties!)

Black & White selections:
Tie between Doors of St. Thomas Church (27%, 3 votes)

and Spring Storm Clouds (27%, 3 votes),

followed by St. Lawrence (18%, 2 votes)

I think I am going to go with St. Thomas Church (since I have to get them printed, it's one that I can see framing and displaying at home).
Other B&W results: Biltmore Gates (1 vote), Birds on Pilings (1 vote) No votes for the castle

Color Selections
Tie between Yellow Azalea (30%, 3 votes)

and Pink Azalea (30%, 3 votes)

Followed by another tie between Ladybug in Sand (2 votes) and Biltmore Lagoon (2 votes)

No votes for the spring daffodil, cardinal in snow or sedona. I think I may choose the yellow azalea, seeing that I already have an 8x10 print of it.

If you want to break the ties, COMMENT on this entry. I seriously need help people - I can not decide! BREAK THE TIE!

Thanks a bunch!!!


Becky said...

okay okaky--it's a lot of pressure, but i'm going to go with spring storm clouds for the b&w, and pink azalea for color. but seriously, they're all great pictures and i think you'll be well served whatever you decide to enter.
i'm so sorry i missed you last night girl--i got sucked into "pearl harbor" on abc and time got away from me! anyway, hope you're doing great--i miss you and love you lots girl!
love in slob,

JenKatJones said...

I vote for the spring storm and the pink azalea.

Hey...thats what becky chose too...great minds think alike ;).