Monday, September 12, 2005

ACK! The sun is rising later and later...

It's 7:45am, Monday morning, and I have been at work for almost an hour. It is barely light outside at this moment - it was completely dark on my way in. According the the weather channel's almanac, the sun rose this morning at 6:54am, I was already out of my car, in the building and on the computer BEFORE THE SUN EVEN ROSE! This is insane!

However, the traffic wasn't too bad. I only counted 8 school buses - compared to the more than 2 dozen I had seen - and the drive took right at 24 minutes (getting close to a record).

The coffee has finished brewing so it's time for me to drink down some warm caffeine and hopefully continue on my productive Monday. Our office is moving IN A MONTH and we've done almost nothing to prepare. So... that will consume me for the next few weeks. It always feels like moving is never done. We're almost done at home (except for that back bedroom). We're still hanging pictures and organizing. Where would the fun be if everything was done?

Oh, yea, there is also a little hurricane sitting off the coast. She's not too mean, but is REAL slow and is just making a mess of the beaches. Too bad we won't see much rain, but they did include us is the big tracking picture:

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