Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Our "Labor-free" holiday weekend

This was our holiday weekend schedule - it was one of the best all year! Hopefully I'll have some pictures to post soon :)

Work 1/2 day, come home to clean & organize like crazy, make sure that the house is “guest worthy”

7:30am Paul meets for group ride, Julie puts final details on house
9am: Julie pick up parents at airport
10am: Coffee at Starbucks with parents
11am: Complete trip around North Raleigh, old house and North Hills
12pm: Eat lunch at Kanki (bring home lots of leftovers)
2-4pm: NAP
5pm: Coffee time :)
6-8pm: Julie & Paul cook AMAZING lamb chop meal (see recipe here), panzaella (see recipe here) and rosemary roasted red potatoes (our house specialty)
8pm: Eat AMAZING lamb chop meal, open bottle of 1998 Brunello wine (to celebrate one year house anniversary) (read about Brunello here)
9pm: walk off huge meal
10pm: ice cream, evening news and get ready for bed

11am: go to worship service at Providence
1pm: lunch at home
2-4pm: NAP
5pm: Dinner at Middleburg Steakhouse (delicious filet mignon)
6-7pm: Drive around northern wake county on way back from steakhouse, see Falls Lake
8pm: Ice cream & brownies, hangout in front of TV, go to bed late...

9am: cook & eat HUGE breakfast (pancakes, grits, lil’smokies, fruit and COFFEE)
11am: finish breakfast, sit outside in perfect weather
12pm: go to Lowe’s to get required supplies for planting new tree (a cherry tree!)
1pm: plant new tree with dad
2pm: head out for lunch
3pm: eat Italian lunch/dinner “linner”
4pm: hang out at the General Aviation building watching planes at RDU (and speculating on passengers of the private planes & charters)
5:30pm: say goodbye to Mom &Dad
6pm: Buy a ton of things at Lowe’s (faucets a light for over the island TONS of paint and whatnot)
7-9pm: laundry, tv, eat more brownies & ice cream
11pm: hit the sack!

1 comment:

Oldmarrieds said...

Can I post my own comment? Interesting!