Monday, March 02, 2009

Snow. Picture proof

In honor of the 401st post to the oldmarrieds blog, here's some snow pictures. I'm still feeling pretty bitter about the snowfall, so I didn't really try to capture the 'winter wonderland' essence.

Front yard view at 5:30am, decided to go back to bed

Fluffy azaleas

Paul shoveling snow into his truck before heading off to work

More fluffy azaleas

And this. Taken on Thursday afternoon when it was sunny and around 60. Hopefully spring will be back soon!

1 comment:

Peaches N Curry said...

man that sucks about your trip! So you just one day in atl? I also didn't really feel this snowfall, I guess I was hoping for more or that I was really annoyed as to how much this was hyped (as usual) and then pfftt...
Glad you made it back safe! And hopefully you managed to rent a car that wasn't too far of the Infinity.