Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The progression of spring

Despite this morning's freezing temperature (and the HARD frost on my car) spring has been abundant. You want proof? Check out our yard -

The redbud tree went from this

to this (in several warm days)

The [later] planted hyacinths went from this

to this

There's pollen on the pansies (and on the car and EVERYTHING else for the matter)

(you can also see our 2-for-1 blooms on the hyacinths here - score!)

Our Tuscan Blue rosemary bush has finally produced some blooms (one sprig anyway)

Nifty shrub with really cool frilly blooms (I cannot remember the name of it to save my life!)


View of the redbud through the Rose of Sharon bush

And finally, another view of the sky through the corkscrew willow - it was quite the mixed sky (some rain, maybe flurries, and blue!)

1 comment:

Becky said...

i LOVE hyacinths!! have i mentioned that before? ;-) they smell heavenly! glad to see spring has sprung in raleigh!