Friday, March 14, 2008

Signs of spring

It is readily apparent that spring is coming. Not only did the layer of icky pollen on my nice shiny black car clue me in, but here's what I've seen this week:

Magnolia tree at the JC Raulston Arboretum

Peach tree blooms (JC Raulston Arboretum)

Redbud tree in the backyard

Corkscrew willow in the backyard - although it's difficult to see the buds, it's striking against the sky

Blueberry bush

Happy daffodils in the backyard

Potted daffodils


Red hyacinth coming up

The neighborhood cat, Harvey, looking for some attention

[Heavenly scented] Hyacinths


Becky said...

I love the spring pictures! I'm glad you posted a hyacinth in the process of coming out--I planted some bulbs, but have seen no sign of them yet. :-( Oh well, its still a little cool in the mountains (I keep using that excuse to justify my lack of plant life, lol!). Love in slob!

Marie Shaddix said...

Beautiful flowers. Looking forward to the beauty of spring as trees and plants come back to life. But not the hot weather. Hope spring lingers for a while...