Wednesday, March 26, 2008

We're hooked - American Idol

Honestly, we haven't followed American Idol much beyond the first auditions and "Hollywood Week" the past several years. This year is different - we have been watching since the beginning and I guess I should admit, we're hooked!

Becky also posted the same thing this morning and we totally agree on our favorite - David Cook! He totally rocked "Billie Jean" as the last contestant of the night. They truly saved the best for last. I almost don't want him to be #1 so he can go out on his own immediately - I would totally buy his album. I'm even considering trying to get tickets when their American Idol Top 10 tour comes through town (because generally the Top 10 are really good, well, most of the time).

Check it out -

1 comment:

Becky said...

I had to comment on your blog too! Kevin and I also voted last night for David Cook, and we NEVER vote!
We both called the number for him repeatedly.. probably 4 or 5 times each, lol! And we did the same thing with replaying it--we watched it 3 times before finally getting to the judges, then we watched it again. :-)
I'm totally with you on him not winning... just getting far enough to jump start his career. His first single doesn't need to be the typical cheezy "idol" song--he's too good for it!