Friday, March 28, 2008

"just a little off the top"

I finally took the plunge - I chopped off my hair!

I wasn't sure if I had enough to donate, but sure enough, I did. More than 10 inches! And amazingly, I still have plenty left for a cute new 'do. Check it out!

I donated my hair to "Locks of Love" and in the end came out with a free haircut! The salon I went to is an 'official' salon for Locks of Love - they will process and send in my hair for me (so I didn't have to bring it home to apparently gross Paul out and hold on to forever like some sort of twisted security blanket). Check out Salon Moxie for more information.

Lu - thanks for the encouragement! Can't wait until next week :)

1 comment:

Becky said...

yay girl!!! i can't tell you how much i LOBVE it--it just looks so great on you! i hope you're still loving it on day 2!!!!
love in slob!