Tuesday, November 08, 2005


It looks like fall has come to the trees in Raleigh, however, the weather is FAR from fallish. It's supposed to be close to 80 today, that's at least 20 degrees higher than the average. The trees did change over the weekend to some brillant yellows, oranges and reds. This morning the color was fading fast and I'm sure by the weekend most leaves will have left their branches.

The morning drive into work was quite a challenge due to very thick fog. It was pretty in some spots but very freaky in others - like you couldn't see the traffic light until you were RIGHT at it. It took me at least 10 minutes longer than usual to get to work, blah!

Here's the view of fall color from the WLOS skycam in Asheville, NC. We're headed up that way for Thanksgiving in just over 2 weeks! I can't wait.

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