Friday, June 27, 2008

Well, at least the Governor got in a good summer vacation

or wait? Was is a working vacation? I'm not really sure. Here's a few takes on the recent trip Governor Easley (and his entrouge) took to Italy:

Cartoon by Dwane Powell (News & Observer)

Column by Barry Saunders (who I can't say I always agree with, but I'm right there with him on this jab):

The travails of travel


That's Italian for "Chill, homes." Sort of.

So chill, homes. What did y'all want the governor to do, get a bus pass and eat canned Spaghetti-Os for supper?

Considering that for many North Carolinians, vacations of any sort are distant memories and each trip to the gas station has become a potentially life-altering decision -- "Do I fill up or feed the kids?" -- there is little sympathy for a governor who spends our money like it's going out of style.

Or like he's going out of office.

Gov. Mike Easley's junket to Italy in April with Lady Sweet Thang and 12 others has understandably struck a negative chord with families who may have to budget for two weeks just to take the kids to Burger King.

Since His Easleyness is a lame-duck governor constitutionally prohibited from seeking a third term -- and who seems to lack the constitution for another one, anyway -- he no longer has to care what we think. The dude can pretty much tell us to kiss his Spaghetti-Os.

Cynics claim that's what he did with a nine-day trip that cost us $170,000.

They contend the trip was merely Easley's way of paying back, at taxpayer expense, some of his political allies for eight years' service. The ostensible reason for the trip was to recruit businesses and tourists to the state..."

(go here to read more)

If you're still with me and want to read more - here's another editorial about their trip. Lovely!

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