Thursday, February 28, 2008

Wow. Long time, no post

So... it's been a while since I posted. A long month + some odd days. I am so sorry about that! We've been sorta busy - adding lights, fixing holes in the ceiling, hosting my parents, buying a new car and taking a weekend trip to Asheville (and coming home with the 'crud' - I'm totally convinced what I've got is NOT the flu!).

Pictures. Yeah, I've got 'em. However, I have no time to post them today.

Quick shout out to my bro, Justin - HAPPY 26th BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a an awesome time in Tokyo. You gift [will be in] the mail shortly!

1 comment:

Justin Shaddix said...

HEEEEY! Thanks for the birfday wishes! BTW, is there any way you could send me some floss?! I really need some...and I cannot find any in Japan! EEK!