Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Four weeks (and a smile!)

Emily has been amazing us with new skills, talents, sounds and smiles daily! It's amazing what a difference a week makes. She's a fiery little girl - never missing a meal or sitting in a wet diaper for more than a few moments without strong objections. As usual I don't have much time to update, but I wanted to take a moment to share her precious smile. I think I even witnessed a few giggles this morning. The absolute joys of being a new/first time parent - it's so rewarding!

Ok, so it may look like a mid-yawn, but it was a really BIG smile!


Marie Shaddix said...

Happy '1 month' old Emily! You are looking more beautiful every day. Can't wait to see you soon!

Love to all of you! XXXOOO

Becky said...

Yay! She's such a cutie!!!

Jennifer Mulkerrin said...

love her faces! Too cute!

Peaches N Curry said...

I like her little wink she's giving you! very cute girl!