Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Weekend update

We had a delightful weekend - it was well deserved after an especially hectic work week for both of us. We started off the weekend with movies. In preparation for the new Indiana Jones movie, we bought the special edition pack of the previous 3 movies and watched "The Last Crusade." Lovely evening!

We continued our movie watching by going to see the latest Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian on Saturday morning (11:50am showing!). It was quite good and I wished I had finished reading it before seeing it. Now I really have a fire to finish up the entire series, I think.

Saturday evening was filled with Mario Karting with Becky & Kevin. They may live hundreds of miles away but we can meet up to race on the Wii anytime. I don't know how those 2 hours went by so fast, but they did! It was a blast! They have skillz - for real! I've got to 'practice' this week so I can hold my own in a team race next time.

Finally, on Sunday we knew we had to get a new gas grill. Our beloved gas grill has not aged well and after taking a fatal spill over the patio retaining wall a few weeks ago, it was done with grilling. We've shopped around a lot and considered many different brands and even charcoal (which we love! but don't love the time it takes to heat up). We finally took a leap and bought a Weber gas grill. It is more amazing than we imagined!

It has stainless steel cooking grates and "flavorizer" bars that make a wonderful grilling experience. Seriously. It is an experience! We are ready to host a cook out at our house!

See? Ready for a cookout!

Our [happy/giddy] reflection

And finally, we had our regular weekend storm (I'm pretty sure this makes week #8 in a row!). It delayed our grilling on Sunday night, but we were not going to wait another day to try out the new grill. Then today we had super thunderstorms and HAIL. I was home alone when they struck and admit to feeling a bit uneasy. Thankfully my car was in the garage and the new grill was under the patio cover, so no damage!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Fun times girl! We love meeting up with you guys on the Wii--it's not as fun when we don't play against people we know, lol!
Love the new grill!! Not loving the hail though.. I always worry about hail (cars, plants, damage, etc), so glad to hear all your stuff made it through all right!