Monday, March 14, 2005

Weekend outside work - is it spring?!

Spring is quickly on its way - Paul and I got the "bug" while shopping at local home improvement stores and we went crazy with outdoor landscaping projects. It all started at Wal-Mart where we learned the easy way to enjoy tulips and other spring bulb them once they have been "winterized" and sprouting.. no planting the darn things in November and waiting 4-5 months - you get instant flowers! We loved the idea! Paul also worked on the "prototype" brick path that will add some extra room to the driveway and give some visual interest to the front.

The following pictures were edited for easy uploading - the colors were dulled by the overcast afternoon light.

Our bulbs in sprout mode around the mailbox: (yellow & orange tulips and french blue hyacinths)

The tree got a new round of cedar mulch and several creeping flowers (phlox and some other white, cotton poof flower)

Looking up the driveway - you can see the tree and its new acessories as well as the new azaleas and hanging basket at the front door.

Close up of the new azaleas (will bloom in spring & fall - "bloomin' again) and the start of the brick runner that will one day reach the bottom of the driveway.

Another angle of the front entryway - in the near future, cedar will replace the pinestraw as mulch around the holly bushes.

The birdfeeder Paul built and installed last weekend - we added another feeder in place of the silly hanging latern. This was a nice sunny day, unlike when the other pictures were taken.

We also have 3 more containers of pansies in the back. No pictures today b/c of the bad light and the 2 dozen birds feeding in the backyard (didn't want to disturb dinnertime!)

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